Thursday, October 23, 2008

Signing 10/30: No Room for Democracy by Richard Rosenbaum

On Thursday, October 30th, 2008, at 7pm, local author Richard M. Rosenbaum will be at the Book House signing his new autobiography, No Room for Democracy: The Triumph of Ego over Common Sense. Born in upstate New York in the '30s, Mr. Rosenbaum has spent many years in politics. As a former New York State Republican Party Chairman and State Supreme Court justice, Mr. Rosenbaum has plenty of stories to tell.

The book is published by Cary Graphic Arts Press in Rochester, NY. The publisher has the following kind words for Mr. Rosenbaum's book on its website:

"Dick Rosenbaum narrates each moment with his characteristic booming enthusiasm and candid anecdotes, while sharing thoughtful insights derived from witnessing the shakeups of some 45 years of American political life. Rosenbaum’s journey is a unique portrait of self-made success."

In addition, Sam Roberts of the New York Times recently reviewed No Room for Democracy. Roberts recaps a portion of the book:

"Mr. Rosenbaum recalls flying over South Dakota on Mr. Rockefeller’s private jet in 1974, eager to see Mount Rushmore, but disappointed when the plane arrived after dark. Mr. Rockefeller left his seat briefly, and by the time he returned, the monument was bathed in floodlights. 'One of the most powerful men in the country,' Mr. Rosenbaum remembered, 'had just worked a miracle of sorts for my pleasure.'"

You can find the rest of the review here. Scroll down below the political cartoons to read the relevant review.

No Room for Democracy is now available at the Book House for $17.95 in paperback. We hope you will join us in welcoming Richard Rosenbaum to our store next Thursday night!